
3 Achievable New Year's Resolutions During a Pandemic
After a long 2021, and what seemed like an even longer 2020, we are ready to leave the past in the past as we head into 2022. With this Pandemic not looking like it's going anywhere anytime soon, what better way to ring in the New Year with 3 achievable resolutions that are 100% in your control (no lock downs or masks required!)

Make time for you
We often get so busy with life we forget about the most important person- ourselves! As a team of moms, we often talk about our kids, our husbands, and running this business but rarely do we ever take the time we need to recharge ourselves. This year, we are making a choice to prioritize us!
Tips to making time for yourself:

  • Start the day off right with 15 minutes to yourself. In a busy household, this may sound tough but it's little choices that can help. Set your alarm for 15 minutes before everyone wakes up to sit alone and enjoy your cup of coffee or you can take the dog out for a walk, enjoy nature and a little bit of exercise!
  • Start a hobby. We often get wrapped up with our family's needs and forget to take time for things we enjoy. We love bubbles (if you couldn’t tell) so we are obsessed about discovering new brands and learning about their stories - that's why The Sip was created! One idea for our fellow bubble lovers is to start a monthly girls night. Sign up for The Sip subscription box and enjoy a curated wine tasting experience at home with your besties. 

Be Present
One thing this Pandemic taught us is to appreciate the time we have with our loved ones. In an era of social media and a million other distractions, being present in moments and for yourself can be hard to do.
A few tips to be more present in your every day:

  • Reduce everyday distractions. Most of us are never fully present in our lives because there are so many distractions. Our focus may be on one thing for a few moments, but suddenly you just remembered the other really important thing and we’re onto the next. Take the time to identify what distracts you. Is your cell phone on loud all day and you are consistently getting calls and texts that take you off track? Is it having notifications turned on after work hours? Whatever it is, take the time to identify and set boundaries for those distractions. Like a wise man once said, “Don’t half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.”
  • Plan moments with those you care about. Once you've knocked out distractions, it’s time to plan time with those you love. Whether it's setting time aside to have a girls night and enjoy your latest Sip box or taking your little kiddo to their favorite park, schedule time for these activities so you can be in the moment and enjoy the time together.

Healthy Living
Healthy living doesn't mean you need to fit a certain size or be vegan. It means you take the steps to feel good in your own skin. Strict diets and unrealistic exercise schedules are always short lived each new year. This year, we’re taking a new approach to healthy living and customizing it to fit our lifestyle!
A few tips to live a healthy lifestyle that realistic:

  • Dry January? We don’t know her. While we all know excess drinking can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, most of us are enjoying bubbles responsibility (aka not having a 20-something binger party nightly). It’s ok to enjoy those bubbles. Whether your doing an at home tasting with your favorite Sip box or already know your favorite bottle and enjoying a glass before dinner - you don’t need to cut the bubbles to be healthy.
  • Working gym time into your schedule. Did you know the first 20 or so days are the busiest time for your local gym? After that, most “New Years Resolutioners” drop off and slip back into their old ways. Instead of setting an unrealistic goal of working out daily for hours on end, take this year to start the habit. One example might be to set the goal to work out 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. It’s not about starting off with a bang - it's the long term vision you want to get too!
  • Say no to carbs… oh no! Don’t get stuck on trying the latest trend diet that's going around on social media, instead start to think about meal planning. Oftentimes we start gorging on carbs and deep fried foods too much because they can be quick and easy if we haven’t planned dinner. Take some time (like during Lazy Sundays) and plan out meals for the week. Having a plan and ingredients on hand will help us make healthier choices. 

With all of the New Year’s Eve parties wrapped up, it's now time to kick it into overdrive start the New Year off right and commit to YOU! Subscribe to The Sip Society today to carve out well deserved YOU time! 



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